Bank Change Name

Q: What will happen to my bound bank information if i submit Bank Name Change on self-service center 82Lottery?
A: Our specialist will conduct a checking and verification to the information that you provide and If all the information is correct. We will delete your bound bank in your ID account and you will be able to re-bind the correct bank information

Q: How i can submit issue about Bank Change Name on self-service center 82Lottery?
A: To submit Bank Change Name on self-service center 82Lottery, please follow this step
1.You need to use this link
2.After you enter the link then close the notification
3. Select issue and choose Bank Change Name
4. Fill your 82Lottery ID account
5. Fill correct bank name following on the passbook bank / bank statement
6. Press submit issue button


Q: What i need to do after the Bank Name Change completed ?
A: After the Bank Name Change completed, your bound bank information will be deleted then you can re-bind the correct bank and make a correction to the previous bank information that you accidentally filled in the wrong Bank Name by go to“Withdraw”page and following the steps below :
1. Click add a bank account
2. Select the bank you want to register with
3. Fill in all the requirement information correctly (your full name, bank account number, active phone number, email address and IFSC code)
4. Click Save and SMS Verification menu will appear
5. Click the Send Button
6. Fill the correct OTP Code
7. Click Add confirm button


Q: How do i check my status issue Bank Change Name on self-service center 82Lottery?
A: You can check the status issue by pressing the Check Issue status then fill your 82Lottery ID account and select the Bank Change Name issue lastly click to search and it will showing the status of your issue

Q: I already checking and the status in here already success and there is a notes Pass - Success "Bank data have removed, please rebind correct bank" what is that mean ?
A: For that mean our data department already checking your bank data account bound 82Lottery account and successfully deleted your bound bank so we suggest you to re-bind your bank to the correct bank information
Q: I check in here there is another notes for success like Pass - Success "Resubmit withdraw the BANK NAME already correct" what is that mean?
A: Okay we will help to explain it here please read the explanation below:
1. Pass - Success "Resubmit withdraw, the Bank Name already correct": this mean your Bank name submitted same to the IFSC code data in your 82Lottery account and what you need to do try resubmit new withdrawal again
2. Pass - Success "Bank name correct, resubmit to IFSC modification": this mean Bank Name already correct and only the IFSC code you put is incorrect

Q: What about with status reject i need to know if my Bank Change Name issue get reject by 82Lottery data department?
A: Okay rest assured we will help to explain to you there is few notes rejection you need to know we will give explanation on this below:
1. Reject "Requirement data incorrect,resubmit correct bank ": this mean there is requirement data you provide is wrong. please check again your bank name you submitted because 82Lottery data department already try to check the bank name you submit is not match with bank account number bound
2. Reject "UCO BANK unvailable, resubmit to delete bank issue": if you bound bank account using UCO / SUCO bank you must change it because that bank not available on 82Lottery for withdrawal, you just need to submit issue on Delete Bank Account to delete the bank account data on 82Lottery account and bind a new bank account.
3. Reject "ID account incorrect, resubmit with the correct ID": this mean make sure again your ID account you submitted on self-service center 82Lottery is it already correct or not